Life Sweetness

Life Sweetness
Everyday you should Celebrate something

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Healthly Living

So I have to say that I am loving my life right now. I am happy about my weight loss process. I have lost 17lbs thus far and this is how:

1. I eliminated all the fatty foods from my life. No more Junk foods. No more Fast Foods. I have cook almost everyday and when I haven't cooked I have managed to eat healthy. Eating out is not as hard as I thought it would be.  I order what my heart desires however, without all the extra trimmings. One condiment, no cheeses, no desserts, and no soda.

2. I cleaned out my refrigerator. I have tossed out all the sweets, cheeses, trans fat butters, whole milks, eggs, and meats with fats. I have opted to have egg whites, berries, non fat yogurts, non fat cheese, more green vegetables, soy milk, lean beef, lean turkey, fruits, and brown rice.  No more juices because of all the sugar, instead I bought a water 20oz water bottle, that I carry to work, working out, and around the house.

3. I work out at least three days a week for at least 45mins. I start off with stretching for five minutes. Then I do 15mins on the bike, 30min or the treadmill, and 50-100 crunches. I have recently increased the incline through out my workouts, as well as I added 5lbs weights to my ankles.

All these things are helping me get to my 50lb goal by July!!!   Side note: a glass of wine a week can't hurt.... :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Random..Should be Sleep blog

 I have found that as I grow older the things that make me most happy are not really tangible. It's time, patience, and contentment.. I am most happy when I am in one place, in one mind set, and still. I love my quiet time. Rather if it's in my office @ home, in the car on the way to work, getting a mani/pedi, or reading a book. I like my ME Time.. ( singing Heather Headley's Me Time in my head)

I have also found that I am less stress when I work out now.. I want to work out all the time.. my friend said that I am an addict. What do I say to that? I would rather be addicted to something good for my health. 

I am most happy when my bills are paid. Most people try to figure out how to avoid paying bills, I am all about paying bi-weekly.. Too many families are not leaving behind legacies. I want my grandchildren to work to have a work ethic not to have money... I want to leave my family well off. We are the generation on Me. Like I just said, I like me time. However, I also understand the concept of WE, US, and THEM... ok I will get off my soap box, but I am just saying...

Okay enough of my random thoughts...

SN: I am down 8lbs... 42lbs to good. if I lost 8lbs a month.. I can reach my goal...

Peace and Blessings,
