Life Sweetness

Life Sweetness
Everyday you should Celebrate something

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Happy Founder's Day!!

Happy Founder's Day!!! With all My Love, Peace, and Happiness.  I am so proud to be a part of such an Dynamic Group of Women who were First at SO Much. Who knew that there purpose was the communities in which they serve. To The 22 women who paved the way so that I might be here. I SALUTE YOU>>>>>>>>>>>>

Friday, January 7, 2011

Food for life...

So it's a new year, and I am all about what I put in my body. I know what you are thinking! Everyone says that are going to eat right for the new year. Lost weight and feel great. The Weight loss campaigns this time of year is a multi-million dollar industry. With Celebs losing and posting themselves on every magazine and commercial you see. I saw Jennifer Hudson an immediately wanted to join weight watchers. However, I joined LA fitness in March, and I have been dedicated to getting healthy since November. I have started to indulge in more fulfilling healthy foods. I have cut my portion in half, and now I eat more frequently. My goal is to loose weight the right way. no gimmicks, no fasting, or pills. I will track my weight every two weeks. My goal is to loose 50lbs by July 9th 2011. Let me state it not a must that I loose 50lbs, because I will be happy with the lost of 15lbs as long as I am healthier. So this is week 1. I weighted in at 198LB's. Let's see how this goes!!

O btw, Zumba on the Wii is an Amazing workout. I literally was sweating within the first 6mins of a 20min workout.

Until we meet again.. I am on my road to a healthier me...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Cont.. Fashion Spirit (Shoes)

Oh my shoe fetish is Crazy,,, See anything you like? I can get these like Yesterday. Would you shop with me?

Fashion Spirit

This Year I am going to open a Boutique.. I want to work for myself, while doing something I love. I love fashion, on all levels. It does not have to be Marc Jacobs or Vera Wang ( two of my favorite designers), It just has to be an expression of me and the people who chose to shop with me. I want to sell practical, affordable, stylish, and of course FLY Shit. So Here a few Items I would Sell. Would you shop with me?